Apologetics: Course Syllabus
Class Title: Christian Apologetics
Class Instructor: Mr. Ben Fischer (MDiv)
Course Text: Case For Christ; Lee Strobel
Course Description: Class will take the student into a survey of various key issues of the faith as seen through the lens of the experimental discipline—Christian apologetics. Class will look at various evidences for the Christian faith in multiple areas, such as science, philosophy, historiography, and theology. Specifically, class will spend time appreciating the uniqueness of the Christian revelation and will view Christianity over against the competing worldviews of atheism and agnosticism. The goal of the course is to equip and acquaint the student with an ever broadening grasp of the how faith in Jesus Christ can be rationally integrated into all of life. Course will begin by examining Christianity and philosophy (especially skepticism); will move then to science, and finally, to history. This course is designed to cultivate an appreciation for theology, church history and its various key figures in Christian Apologetics.
The purpose of the class is to equip the student with an ability to articulate and defend the Christian world and life view in the context of personal evangelism. It aims to grow the student in the Christian life skill of sharing his/her faith.
Course Projects:
Complete the book “Case For Christ.”
Write a letter to a skeptical friend inviting them to discuss the Christian faith.
Write a two page account of your personal testimony.
Complete a REFLECTION paper of three to five pages, showing a vigorous level of interaction with one or more of the class lectures on science, philosophy, or history. Papers should be double spaced, normal margins of one inch, times new roman font. A thesis for the paper must be chosen and submitted to the instructor before authoring the paper. All papers will then be checked for plagiarism using grammerly.
Due Dates: Due dates will be discussed in first class. All projects must be completed by midnight of the final class session and must be submitted via email (not handed in).
Teacher’s Contact Info:
email: info@benfischerministries.com
phone: 651.214.4352
Note: To take on-line version of the course via distance learning, click here.