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Scholarly Archive
Christian Truth and Apologetics

Why I Am Neither A Calvinist—Nor An Arminian!
The Protestant Reformation changed the face of Christianity forever. But is it possible that both Calvinist and Arminian church bodies are i

Is All Revivalism Guilty of Emotionalism?
Dear Ben, Thanks for your recent video, Casting Out the Ghost of Charles Finney. I affirm many of your concerns with his preaching and minis

Does God Damn Some People To Hell Before They Are Born?
Dear Ben, I'm a newer Christian with some questions. Would you have time to go over an answer? I started studying apologetics and I am...

Casting Out The Ghost Of Charles Finney
During the Second Great Awakening, Revivalist, Charles Finney preached that Christians live in constant danger of losing their salvation. Ne

What Part Should The Ceremonial Law of Moses Have In The Life of The Believer Today?
Mr. Fisher, I have two questions for you. Would you be willing to answer them? If so, here they are...

Does the Bible Support Slavery?
Ben, I need help with this verse: "Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct...

Do Charismatics Abuse the Gift of Tongues?
Hi Ben, Thanks for your review of John MacArthur's book, Strange Fire. Just checking with you to see what some of your theological thoug

Is Strange Fire a Strange Book?
Ben Fischer Ministries reviews the best-selling book, Strange Fire. A close examination shows that the book is filled with logical fallacies

Is Greg Boyd's "Death of the Warrior God Hypothesis" Correct?
Bless you Ben! I have a question related to your article "Did God Command Genocide?" And I should probably take the time to read a

Did God Command Genocide?
Did God Command Genocide? Is God a terrorist? What is the difference between ISIS and the book of Joshua? In this article, we reveal the tru
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